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Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Early Childhood Education Division

December 1, 2025

Grandparents Day Celebration

The Heisler Hall was filled with smiles and laughter as parents and grandparents gathered to watch their grandchildren perform.

grandparent day 5
grandparent day 1
grandparent day 2
grandparent day 3
grandparent day 4
grandparent day 5

K3 enjoyed making krathongs

K3 students were making krathongs from fish food.

make krathong 1
make krathong 2
make krathong 3
make krathong 4
make krathong 5
make krathong 6

Early Children department celebrated Loy Krathong

ECE Loy Krathong

niva-monthly-calendar-updated-December 1, 2025


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